Duration of the Qualification
18 months
Application Fee: R 200
Registration Fee: R 500 (After Successful Application)
Monthly Fee: R 1583 (ex vat)
External Exam fee: R1000
(All prices exclude vat)
Total Fee R 29 200 (Including Registration Fee External Exam Fee and RPL Fee)
Part-Time :
Duration of the Qualification
30 months
Application Fee: R 200
Registration Fee: R 500 (After Successful Application)
Monthly Fee: R 950 (ex vat)
External Exam fee: R1000
(All prices exclude vat)
The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as a Christian Religious Professional. A Christian Religious Professional directs and conducts the ministry functions in a faith community to facilitate spiritual formation; nurture fellowship and mutual care within the faith community; helps members to develop a Christian lifestyle; provides strategic leadership that leads to obedience to vocation as well as well-being and sustainability of the faith community, and develops a missional practise that shares the good news of Jesus Christ and serves the holistic well-being of the entire community.
A qualified learner will be able to:
Lead the faith community in spiritual formation that nurtures their relationship with God.
Develop and nurture fellowship and mutual care within the faith community.
Facilitate the holistic well-being of people within the faith community by developing proactive and reactive (coping) life skills and a Christian value system.
Provide visional leadership that leads to obedience to vocation, as well as the well-being and sustainability of the faith community.
Develop a missional practice that shares the good news of Jesus Christ and serves the holistic well-being of the entire community.
Essentials and characteristics of religious practitioners
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM):
KM-01 – Essentials and characteristics of religious practitioners, NQF Level 4, Credits 6
• KM-01-KT01: The task of the religious practitioner (20%) (1.2 credits)
• KM-01-KT02: Essentials of spiritual maturity of the religious practitioner (20%) (1.2 credits)
• KM-01-KT03: Ethical conduct in ministry (20%) (1.2 credits)
• KM-01-KT04: Christ like leadership (20%) (1.2 credits)
• KM-01-KT05: Enculturation (20%) (1.2 credits)
The Bible and Bible interpretation
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM):
KM-02 – The Bible and Bible interpretation, NQF Level 5, Credits 30
• KM-02-KT01: The Bible as foundational document of Christianity (50%) (15 credits)
• KM-02-KT02: Interpretation of the Bible (50%) (15 credits)
Basic Christian concepts
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM):
KM-03 – Basic Christian concepts, NQF Level 5, Credits 8
• KM-03-KT01: Overview: the beliefs and values of selected Christian faith traditions (20%) (1.6 credits)
• KM-03-KT02: Knowing God (20%) (1.6 credits)
• KM-03-KT03: God (20%) (1.6 credits)
• KM-03-KT04: Creation, humankind and the need for salvation (20%) (1.6 credits)
• KM-03-KT05: New life in Christ and in the power of the Spirit (20%) (1.6 credits)
Christian ethics
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM) :
KM-04 – Christian ethics, NQF Level 5, Credits 8
• KM-04-KT01: Principles of ethical thinking (50%) (4 credits)
• KM-04-KT02: Core ethical themes (50%) (4 credits)
History of the church and an overview of a variety of Christian traditions
This module consists of:
KM-05 – History of the church and an overview of a variety of Christian traditions,
NQF Level 4, Credits 6
• KM-05-KT01: Survey of the general church history (50%) (3 credits)
• KM-05-KT02: Survey of the African church history (50%) (3 credits)
Principles of building the faith community
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM), practical modules (PM) and workplace modules (WM):
KM-06 – Principles of building the faith community, NQF Level 5, Credits 8
• KM-06-KT01: The principles of building healthy faith communities (25%) (2 credits)
• KM-06-KT02: Focus areas in building the faith community (25%) (2 credits)
• KM-06-KT03: The principles of children and youth ministry (25%) (2 credits)
• KM-06-KT04: The principles of ministry to senior members of the faith community (25%) (2 credits)
PM-03 – Interact with groups and individuals in order to facilitate spiritual growth,
NQF Level 6, Credits 4
• PM-03-PS01: Organise and lead study groups / spiritual growth groups (2 credits)
• PM-03-PS02: Provide spiritual growth support to individuals (leaders or individual
members in the faith community) (2 credits)
PM-04 – Nurture fellowship among members of the faith community, NQF Level 5, Credits 4
• PM-04-PS01: Evaluate and describe the existing relationships in the faith community (1 credit)
• PM-04-PS02: Facilitate an understanding of the church as a community of fellowship and
care through preaching and teaching (1 credit)
• PM-04-PS03: Use worship services to build fellowship, unity and harmony (1 credit)
• PM-04-PS04: Create ministry interventions to strengthen the experience of fellowship
within the faith community (1 credit)
PM-05 – Lead the faith community to show loving care in times of need or crisis,
NQF Level 6, Credits 6
• PM-05-PS01: Provide loving care during times of sickness, bereavement or other forms
of life’s normal distress situations (2 credits)
• PM-05-PS02: Provide loving care where special forms of distress are experienced (2 credits)
• PM-05-PS03: Design a process to identify and respond to trauma and crisis in a
faith community (2 credits)
PM-14 – Initiate and/or participate in interventions to deal with needs and emergency situations in the
community, NQF Level 5, Credits 3
• PM-14-PS01: Mobilise a faith community to render support during emergency situations (3 credits)
• WM-02-WE01: Observe and describe the existing relationships in the faith community (7 credits)
• WM-02-WE02: Conduct at least 3 ministry activities to enhance the quality of fellowship
and mutual care in a specific faith community (8 credits)
Principles of preaching
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM), practical modules (PM) and workplace modules (WM):
KM-07 – Principles of preaching, NQF Level 4, Credits 8
• KM-07-KT01: Basic points of departure related to preaching (33%) (2.6 credits)
• KM-07-KT02: Principles of preparing a sermon (33%) (2.6 credits)
• KM-07-KT03: Delivering the sermon (33%) (2.6 credits)
PM-01 – Prepare sermons that will address the spiritual and contextual needs of the faith community,
NQF Level 5, Credits 5
• PM-01-PS01: Listen to and understand the faith community and its context (1 credit)
• PM-01-PS02: Select and study a Bible text (1.5 credits)
• PM-01-PS03: Discern (search for) Gods message in the text through spiritual practices
and disciplines (1 credit)
• PM-01-PS04: Formulate the message and the intended outcome (1.5 credits)
• WM-01-WE01: Prepare a worship service and sermon (7 credits)
Principles of conducting services
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM), practical modules (PM) and workplace modules (WM):
KM-08 – Principles of conducting services, NQF Level 4, Credits 6
• KM-08-KT01: Principles of conducting normal services (such as regular Sunday worship
services) (50%) (3 credits)
• KM-08-KT02: Principles of conducting different worship service types (50%) (3 credits)
PM-02 – Conduct worship services within the faith community, NQF Level 5, Credits 5
• PM-02-PS01: Plan a worship service (2 credits)
• PM-02-PS02: Conduct a worship service (2 credits)
• PM-02-PS03: Administer the sacraments within the faith community (1 credits)
• WM-01-WE02: Conduct a worship service and deliver a sermon (8 credits)
Spiritual formation, life skills training and value system development
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM), practical modules (PM) and workplace modules (WM):
KM-09 – Spiritual formation, life skills training and value system development,
NQF Level 5, Credits 10
• KM-09-KT01: The principles and elements of spiritual formation (20%) (2 credits)
• KM-09-KT02: Developing pro-active (positive) life skills and habits (20%) (2 credits)
• KM-09-KT03: Developing reactive (coping) life skills and habits (20%) (2 credits)
• KM-09-KT04: Deliverance and healing in Spiritual formation (20%) (2 credits)
• KM-09-KT05: Nurturing of Christian values and virtues as part of spiritual formation (20%) (2 credits)
PM-06 – Lead the faith community to live according to a Christian value system and Christian virtues,
NQF Level 5, Credits 4
• PM-06-PS01: Evaluate the faith community in terms of their adherence to a Christian
value system and Christian virtues (2 credits)
• PM-06-PS02: Nurture a Christian value system and Christian virtues in the faith community (2 credits)
PM-07 – Develop pro-active and reactive (coping) life skills in the faith community through preaching and teaching
and mentoring, NQF Level 6, Credits 5
• PM-07-PS01: Listen in order to understand the context and holistic well-being needs
of the community and plan an intervention (mentoring, teaching, sermon) to address
identified needs (2 credits)
• PM-07-PS02: Cultivate pro- and reactive life skills and spiritual disciplines / practices
through preaching, counseling, teaching and mentoring (3 credits)
• WM-03-WE01: Identify, in consultation with leaders in the faith community, the main
issues related to the holistic well-being (socio-economic, physical, emotional and spiritual
health) and Christian values of faith community members (3.3 credits)
• WM-03-WE02: Prepare programmes and present of conduct interventions to cultivate pro-
and reactive life skills and spiritual disciplines (3.3 credits)
• WM-03-WE03: Prepare and present programmes and interventions to nurture a
Christian value system (3.4 credits)
Principles of pastoral counseling in a Christian context
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM):
KM-10 – Principles of pastoral counseling in a Christian context, NQF Level 6, Credits 12
• KM-10-KT01: The concept of pastoral counseling in a Christian context (16%) (2 credits)
• KM-10-KT02: Models of pastoral counseling (17%) (2 credits)
• KM-10-KT03: Doing pastoral counseling (16%) (2 credits)
• KM-10-KT04: The underlying principles of specific counseling interventions (17%) (2 credits)
• KM-10-KT05: Counseling in a culturally complex situation (17%) (2 credits)
• KM-10-KT06: Counseling administration (17%) (2 credits)
The missional calling of the Church
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM), practical modules (PM) and workplace modules (WM):
KM-11 – The missional calling of the Church, NQF Level 5, Credits 7
• KM-11-KT01: Missional calling of the church (25%) (1.8 credits)
• KM-11-KT02: Principles and methods executing the missional calling of the church (25%) (1.7 credits)
• KM-11-KT03: The pro-active and reactive service roll and responsibility of the church in
• society (25%) (1.8 credits)
• KM-11-KT04: Social justice, advocacy and policy (25%) (1.7 credits)
PM-12 – Mobilise the faith community to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world,
NQF Level 5, Credits 4
• PM-12-PS01: Sensitise the faith community concerning the unfinished task of evangelism (2 credits)
• PM-12-PS02: Mobilise the local church to reach out to the world with the Gospel through
• evangelism and/or church planting (2 credits)
PM-13 – Plan and execute outreach programs to deal with socio-economic and other relevant needs in the
wider community, NQF Level 5, Credits 3
• PM-13-PS01: Identify the socio-economic developmental needs and assets of the
community (0.7 credits)
• PM-13-PS02: Determine relevant development objectives and prepare sustainable
intervention plans (0.8 credits)
• PM-13-PS03: Initiate, support and monitor community development programs (0.8 credits)
• PM-13-PS04: Initiate and drive campaigns requiring advocacy, public witness and social
justice activism (0.7 credits)
PM-15 – Participate in inter-faith community development initiatives, NQF Level 5, Credits 3
• PM-15-PS01: Participate in inter-faith community development structures, forums
and programs (3 credits)
PM-16 – Plan and manage the effective use of media, NQF Level 5, Credits 2
• PM-16-PS01: Select and utilise appropriate multi-media (1 credit)
• PM-16-PS02: Involve church members in the implementation of a communication
strategy/drive (1 credit)
• WM-05-WE01: Plan an outreach or community development project in a community (1.6 credits)
• WM-05-WE02: Implement an outreach or community development project in a community (1.7 credits)
• WM-05-WE03: Promote awareness and advocacy to address a specific issue (1.7 credits)
Principles of church leadership and ministry management consists of:
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM), practical modules (PM) and workplace modules (WM):
KM-12 – Principles of church leadership and ministry management, NQF Level 5, Credits 8
• KM-12-KT01: Principles of visional (strategic) leadership in the faith community (33%) (2.6 credits)
• KM-12-KT02: Principles of church, accountability and sustainability as a spiritual discipline (33%) (2.6 credits)
• KM-12-KT03: Principles of ministry planning and management as a spiritual discipline (34%) (2.8 credits)
PM-08 – Lead a faith community through visionary spiritual leadership (strategic management as a spiritual discipline),
NQF Level 5, Credits 4
• PM-08-PS01: Identify and discern the will of God (2 credits)
• PM-08-PS02: Formulate the direction a faith community should pursue (2 credits)
PM-09 – Build the spiritual leadership capacity of the congregation / faith community,
NQF Level 5, Credits 4
• PM-09-PS01: Identify spiritual leadership potential in individual members (2 credits)
• PM-09-PS02: Develop and implement new or identify existing leadership training programs (2 credits)
• WM-04-WE01: Engage a faith community on aspects of visional leadership (2.5 credits)
• WM-04-WE02: Engage a faith community on aspects of operational management, administration,
financial management and accountability practices (2.5 credits)
Church administration, accountability and financial management
This module consists of knowledge modules (KM), practical modules (PM) and workplace modules (WM):
KM-13 – Church administration, accountability and financial management, NQF Level 4, Credits 6
• KM-13-KT01: Aspects of church administration and management (33%) (2 credits)
• KM-13-KT02: Sustainability planning and programming (33%) (2 credits)
• KM-13-KT03: Accountability (34%) (2 credits)
PM-10 – Facilitate effective ministries in a faith community (operational management as a
spiritual discipline), NQF Level 4, Credits 4
• PM-10-PS01: Develop and implement operational plans for a faith community’s ministries,
projects and initiatives (4 credits)
PM-11 – Facilitate stewardship processes in the faith community (stewardship as a spiritual discipline),
NQF Level 4, Credits 4
• PM-11-PS01: Evaluate and inform the organisational governance practices (1 credit)
• PM-11-PS02: Evaluate and inform the financial management processes of a faith community (1 credits)
• PM-11-PS03: Evaluate and inform the asset and facility management processes of a faith
community (1 credit)
• PM-11-PS04: Evaluate and inform the administrative and human resource management
processes of a faith community (1 credit)
• WM-04-WE02: Engage a faith community on aspects of operational management,
Administration, financial management and accountability practices (2.5 credits)s